What flows down the right-hand side of your page are links to the artists we’ve highlighted as part of our Black History Month Spotlight series. In so many ways, these pioneers led the way and inspired generations of artists to rise up and succeed. But it’s only a partial list. If you’ve followed along with the series, you likely asked, “When are they going to spotlight X?”

Trust us. We thought the same thing.

Trying to decide which artists to spotlight was like a parent trying to choose their favorite child. It’s impossible. We could have published a spotlight about one person each day in February and wouldn’t have even scratched the surface. We could have done three a day throughout February and wouldn’t have made a dent.

That, dear friends, is a blessing and embarrassment of riches.

The list of African American artists who have had an impact on the music industry goes on and on and on. And that’s not even counting the artists who ply their trade as producers and executives (think Quincy Jones, among others).

But we couldn’t get out of the month without paying a small tribute to a few more of these men and women who have made us better through their music. If you click on their name, you’ll find a YouTube video waiting with one of their signature songs (or at least one of our favorites). These wonderful artists broke through barriers and glass ceilings — many doing so as they faced a country that was racially divided and segregated. They used the power of their art and their instruments to teach us. They used the power of music to unite us. And, they have constantly reminded us that music is the tie that binds.

These are in no particular order, and they cross generations, decades, and genres. (And yes, we realize this list is FAR from complete.)