Top Q News

Sen. Todd Young Stops By Q1067

It's always fun when Sen. Todd Young stops by the Q1067 studios. Sen. Young took some time to sit down with Gina Quattrocchi to discuss the latest going on in Washington and what he's doing to best represent Hoosiers on Capitol Hill. You can hear the whole interview...

That Word

On the latest episode of Lafayette Ain't What It Used To Be, Donte Wilburn discusses what it's like to be a father whose young daughter recently had THAT word hurled at her. 

Delivery & Carry Out Options in Lafayette

Kudos to Greater Lafayette Commerce for pulling this together and Faith Ministries for the idea. CLICK ON THIS LINK to see an ever-growing list of restaurants and eateries in the area that are offering carry-out and delivery options. Check back often as...

Gina’s Blog

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QCares: Road to Recovery Rally

QCares: Road to Recovery Rally

On the latest QCares, Zoe Frantz and Sherri Davis talk about the Tippecanoe Celebration of Recovery on September 26th. Take ...